Too Skinny?!

August 16, 2008

I’ve always thought of myself as chubby.. Probably due to my chubby childhood like I mentioned in this post..

My uncle who studies in the US (and is around my age so we’re really close buddies) is visiting Kuwait.. I was really exited to see him.. But when he saw me he stopped and stared at me and said “since when did you start looking so ridiculously skinny?!” I was really surprised (and not pleased).. I never really labeled myself as “skinny” before..

After consulting my mirrors, scales, and BMI charts.. I figured it’s probably just my uncle’s mistake.. Even though he’s young, he totally has the taste of the older generation (7adda 3ateej).. This includes women with more fat on them than what we might call a perfect shape..

I’m just glad I’m healthy, really.