I am completely baffled by the alignments in our daily experiences. Over the weekend I was sort of given an ultimatum by my partner, apparently I am to work on my ass that’s been “losing shape” recently, or expect other arrangements to be made. Needless to say I was  appalled by the comment (even though it was half a joke) and defended myself by saying “you met me and fell in love with me when I was this size.”

My yoyo dieting aside, I’ve been thinking and reading about bodies, and body image a lot lately. Not very strange for a bisexual feminist, but as I stated before, some alliances just cannot be dismissed as mere chance. I came across this collection of sex education comics. It might say “sex ed”, but it is a little more complex than that. Some of the comics talk about relationships, gender constructions, alternative sexualities, experiences, prejudices, stereotypes, and so on. What I found most relevant is a couple of pages that talk about relationships and a need for intimacy. At one particular moment, the creator of the comic realizes that the partner she is completely in love with is only “casually interested in me”. It made me wonder about my own partner.

What’s in an ass? (Juliet commits suicide at this appropriation of “What’s in a name?”)

When we fall in love, we fall in love with the whole person, I am not denying the importance of physical attributes here. But once we establish that love – or rather, that fall, are we still allowed to second think our choices?

Does it make you love me less that in fact you can see ugliness in me?

Perhaps the extent of love plays a larger role than I am capable of admitting at this point of the relationship, since I am still wholly, completely, and blindly in love with you.

It’s been a long time since I’ve posted.. But.. Here I am again!

Knowing You, Knowing Me

December 26, 2012

Perhaps one of the things I fell in love with is the truth.

I have never been so true to myself, and though you sometimes bite your teeth down in jealousy, you still accept who this woman is, and what she needs.

I still get those pushes towards the marriage route, and sometimes the idea of a home does sound appealing. But am willing to give up this truthfulness.Who will accept the truth of one’s sexuality without insult, without repress, or moderation?

And how do I make him believe that I am not bisexual for his pleasure and that no threesomes are involved in this bodily choice?

You are a good man, but I have a better man, and he knows the truth.


March 22, 2010

I do not want to know you made memories.

I do not want to know you made memories.

I do not want to know you made memories.

I do not want to know you made memories.

I do not want to know you made memories.

I do not want to know you made memories.

I do not want to know you made memories.

I do not want to know you made memories.

I do not want to know you made memories.

Except with me.